Monday, May 18, 2009

Detroit Metal City \m/

I can't get enough of it !

Originally this is a manga, but of course it was made as anime,,, then after that came the live action Movie adaption ...

It's about Negishi , a shy or if I may say "boring" man who dreams to be a pop musician. however he's ended up as the lead singer and guitarist of a death metal band .....namely “Detroit Metal City" \m/

This guys lives two contradicting lives , it's hilarious how he switches between his different characters ...

I don't really like the manga for 2 reasons :
1- the main pleasure of watching this is the epicness of the music tracks... and you neither feel the guitar nor the roars while reading the manga.
2- the art is lame !

the anime is not bad.... I didn't complete watching it yet,,, cuz it's kinda boring, the guy keeps repeating his whole story at the beginning of each episode and nothing much happens !

DMC (Live Action )

You can see in the image that Simmons from Kiss band is in the movie... and since I'm a big fan of Kiss ... I was so thrilled +_+

you also can see the manager of the band (the bitch there :P)... who always gets horny whenever the band is playing hard... LMAO... I don't blame her at all... who wouldn't feel the guitargasm anyways \m/

I personally prefer the Movie... it's amazing .. the actor is talented ,,, I was impressed by his great talent in switching between the different roles... and he's also hilarious .

the music tracks are epic.. enjoy this :

here are some snapshots from the movie:

This supposed to be a show...but he ended up like that LOL

Here you can see the funniest thing about this movie...his innocence ...
he was enjoying a song which was referring to his band as "dumb-ass Mother-complex cherry boy" x)


My Verdicts :
The movie : 10/10

Either you love metal or you don't , I'm sure that you'll enjoy this movie...


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