Monday, May 18, 2009

Detroit Metal City \m/

I can't get enough of it !

Originally this is a manga, but of course it was made as anime,,, then after that came the live action Movie adaption ...

It's about Negishi , a shy or if I may say "boring" man who dreams to be a pop musician. however he's ended up as the lead singer and guitarist of a death metal band .....namely “Detroit Metal City" \m/

This guys lives two contradicting lives , it's hilarious how he switches between his different characters ...

I don't really like the manga for 2 reasons :
1- the main pleasure of watching this is the epicness of the music tracks... and you neither feel the guitar nor the roars while reading the manga.
2- the art is lame !

the anime is not bad.... I didn't complete watching it yet,,, cuz it's kinda boring, the guy keeps repeating his whole story at the beginning of each episode and nothing much happens !

DMC (Live Action )

You can see in the image that Simmons from Kiss band is in the movie... and since I'm a big fan of Kiss ... I was so thrilled +_+

you also can see the manager of the band (the bitch there :P)... who always gets horny whenever the band is playing hard... LMAO... I don't blame her at all... who wouldn't feel the guitargasm anyways \m/

I personally prefer the Movie... it's amazing .. the actor is talented ,,, I was impressed by his great talent in switching between the different roles... and he's also hilarious .

the music tracks are epic.. enjoy this :

here are some snapshots from the movie:

This supposed to be a show...but he ended up like that LOL

Here you can see the funniest thing about this movie...his innocence ...
he was enjoying a song which was referring to his band as "dumb-ass Mother-complex cherry boy" x)


My Verdicts :
The movie : 10/10

Either you love metal or you don't , I'm sure that you'll enjoy this movie...


Shiroi Heya no Futari (Manga review )

Busy semester... yet it didn't take me from my beloved mangas ^_^

ok let me start from the oldest one :

Shiroi Heya no Futari (1 shot manga)

Main Characters:

Resine :the blond girl
Simone : the brunette

I'll skip the details of the story... I'll just focus on the things that caught my attention .
It's one of the earliest yuri mangas(First published in 1971). It contains no sexual images or any intense actions...yet you get the strong feelings and passion .

Resine decides to attend a boarding school to leave her aunt's house, there she shares the same room with Simone.
Simone is always rude to Resine... she teases her and makes her feel unwelcome. However, they get closer... yes they do ... in an indirect way... you just feel it , and this is what's so amazing about this manga.

They we're chosen for the school's play (Romeo and Juliette)...
Resine (as Juliette) asks Simon (as Romeo) to skip the kissing part cause she thinks it's inappropriate and she would never kiss a girl.... Simone agrees at first, but when the real thing came...she kisses her one hell of a kiss :P . --- yeah in public !
Resine was shocked... she runs outside but Simone goes after her... she tries to console her and she can't help but to kiss her again, this time one student sees them in action and then she goes spreading the fact to every1 in school.

Resine hates this.. she hate the idea of her getting emotionally involved with another girl... so she tries to avoid Simone... She gets herself a boy friend in order to prove to herself that's she's normal.... Simone gets jealous , Resine herself can't take Simone out of her mind even when she's with her boyfriend.

What I like here is how Resine is struggling in her denial state... she is having feelings toward another girl...but she doesn't like the fact.

For some reason Resine returns to her home, Simone can't stand parting from her beloved friend,, She turns into a miserable person , she gets into a fight with her male friend,which considered himself her boyfriend, and this causes her to tell him how she hates him and hates every single guy around her... they get into a deeper argument , she irritates him , she gives the feeling that she wants to end her life , he kills her !!!! it's kinda like suicide to me...

When Resine knows about this tragic accident she totally regrets leaving her...

it's so sad... I didn't know that this is a tragic manga so I was totally shocked :( .

Resine loved Simone.... but , there is no way for her to accept this fact... she was in pain trying to convince herself she's straight !

Simone only loves Resine... she doesn't care whether this is wrong or right...she just loves her regardless of her gender... and this is what causes their misery... :(

I really felt the love of this relationship... it's tragic, cause it is the forbidden love ~!

note: I didn't go into details...reading the manga is way different from what I'm saying... Here I'm only giving my opinion !